Tyroola Teams Up with DriverReviews!
Tyroola once again redefines the tyre shopping experience for Australian customers by partnering with DriverReviews, one of the world's largest verified tyre review platforms.
Access to trusted tyre reviews
In line with its commitment to providing Australian customers with the best selection of tyres, customers visiting Tyroola will now have access to thousands of trusted and verified tyre reviews from real drivers. By integrating DriverReviews' comprehensive tyre review database directly into its platform, Tyroola's tyre shoppers will now enjoy making even more informed purchasing decisions.
Insights from fellow drivers
Choosing the right tyres is a crucial decision for every driver. And it can get overwhelming, with the literal thousands of patterns to choose from. Customer reviews play a significant role in the narrowing-down process, providing real-use insights into tyre performance, durability, and overall satisfaction.
DriverReviews has gathered an impressive 740 Million kilometres real-world driving experience collected over the course of reviewing over 70 tyre brands. With this extensive database, Tyroola customers can now gain access to a wealth of user-generated content, helping them make confident decisions about their purchases. What makes it even better is that customers can explore what other drivers, who own the same vehicle, have to say about a particular brand or tyre pattern. And it is this personalised touch that will go a long way in their decision-making process.
Expansion of product reviews
With this partnership, Tyroola is set to significantly expand its product review offerings. From about 10,000 product reviews, customers can anticipate a substantial increase with the addition of DriverReviews' database of over 400,000 reviews. And the more user-generated reviews to guide customer tyre-buying decisions - the better.
In addition to this collaboration, DriverReviews also hosts a YouTube channel, where they share informative content related to tyres, driving tips, and industry news. This channel serves as an additional resource for Tyroola customers seeking even more tyre-related information.
"We are excited about the possibilities this partnership brings and the enhanced tyre shopping experience it offers our customers," said Alessio Puricelli, Tyroola's Chief Commercial and Financial Officer. "This collaboration is just one of the many innovative steps Tyroola has taken since joining the Michelin group. Whether you're a seasoned driver or new to the road, Tyroola and DriverReviews are here to guide you through every step of your tyre-buying journey."
Visit Tyroola.com.au today to experience the power of real user reviews in your tyre purchasing decisions!