Bridgestone vs Goodyear:
A Tyre Brand Comparison

Deciding which tyre brand to buy is hard. We collected hundreds of reviews and compared their performance. Buy them online, fit locally at Tyroola.

Bridgestone Tyres vs Goodyear Tyres

Bridgestone and Goodyear are two of the most well-known tyre brands in the world.Both produce a wide range of high-quality tyres for many applications.

Bridgestones are known for their reliability and fuel efficiency while Goodyears veer towards durability and long-lasting tread.

The great news is that these two brands place a lot of importance on the environment, striving to produce greener tyres for the market.

With so many things going for Bridgestone and Goodyear, which one is better for your needs?

Tyroola breaks down each brand to help you make your choice.

Bridgestone: A Passion for Excellence

Bridgestone is the largest tyre manufacturer, winning lots of Aussie fans with their wide range of reliable products for all kinds of vehicles.

It is synonymous with durability, high-end performance, innovative technology and maximum fuel efficiency.

The brand is also committed to safety and quality that sets them apart from other brands that focus on price competition or high-end luxury status.

Bridgestone's is heavily involved with motorsports and work closely with many car manufacturers to ensure the best tyre is supplied for your vehicle, whether it be original equipment or not.

In recent years, the brand has devoted efforts to lessen the carbon footprint of tyre production, finding ways to reduce CO2 emissions and sourcing renewable materials for their tyres.

No matter where your passion lies, whether you're looking for off-road, fuel-efficient, ride comfort and high-performance racing tyres, they'll have the tyre to match.

Bridgestone Reviews

Ratings & Reviews

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Bridgestone Tyres Product Range - starts at $80

Popular Bridgestone Tyre Models

Our Top Bridgestone Choices

Goodyear: Enjoy Every Ride

Goodyear is another tyre manufacturing giant beloved in Australia thanks to its wide range of superior quality and heavy-duty tyres.

The brand is truly iconic, known for exceptional wet weather safety, durability and fuel-saving products.

It is committed to passengers enjoying their adventures, so Goodyear engineers focus on safety and reliability to provide comfortable long-distance journeys and all-terrain adventures.

Goodyear is a fixture in major motorsports events especially Nascar as the league's sole tyre supplier. It is also a favourite OEM brand, working directly with vehicle manufacturers to provide tyres that best match your ride.

Ahead of its time, Goodyear already had a formal energy conservation program in place as early as the 1970s. Today, Goodyear is a major solar energy supporter and continues to strive to make tyres with a smaller carbon footprint.

For long-lasting tyres that deliver safety and a great balance of wet and dry grip as well as consistent performance, Goodyear has the tyre for you.

Goodyear Reviews

Ratings & Reviews

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Goodyear Tyres Product Range - starts at $61

Best Selling Goodyear Tyre Models

Our Top Goodyear Choices

Who Wins? It's a draw!

Both Goodyear and Bridgestone have very competitive offerings and are rated the same across the board for wet and dry weather handling, stopping distance and longevity.

Neither brand produces the cheapest tyres out in the market, but they're renowned for creating quality products through more than a century of experience developing tyres in motorsport and alongside manufacturers.

What is vital when choosing the right tyre brand is that it will hit all the marks important to you and your specific driving situation.

Either brand is a great choice for safety and reliability.

Choose Your Bridgestone or Goodyear Tyres At Tyroola!

Visit our Bridgestone and Goodyear tyre sections to read up on individual tyre features, check reviews and compare prices. Happy Driving!

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